Technical support

Our support team will assist you with a wealth of experience and competence in the application of Jetter automation solutions.

Standort Marbach

Telefonische Kontaktaufnahme

+49 (7141) 2550-444

Montag bis Donnerstag von 9 bis 16 Uhr

Freitag von 9 bis 13 Uhr

Request for Technical Support

Technical support | Ludwigsburg

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Remote maintenance

In case of service, it is possible to access your controller using Jetter remote support.

This means that we can check the current status of the systems with you from our location at any time and provide assistance if necessary.

Please install and start the TeamViewer program (16.66 MB)TeamViewer Quick Support.

In all cases the following applies

For an optimal design of the customer support a first contact is free of charge. If it should turn out that our support is necessary for a longer period of time or even an on-site visit at your location becomes necessary, we reserve the right to make you a separate offer via our sales department.

Inquiries are accepted and answered in German and English. 

By contacting the hotline of Jetter AG, you automatically agree to the General Terms and Conditions of Jetter AG.

Standort Tettnang

Damit Maschinen und Anlagen über ihren gesamten Lebenszyklus zuverlässig ihren Dienst tun, müssen sie regelmäßig gewartet werden. Im Rahmen von individuellen Wartungsverträgen mit Kunden rund um die Welt kümmern sich unsere Service-Techniker zum einen um die vorbeugende Instandhaltung. Das Ziel: Ungeplante Stillstandszeiten von vornherein vermeiden oder zumindest minimieren.


Do you need our help with a specific hardware or software problem? We won’t leave you standing! Our Technical Support team can be at

Please include a short description of the problem in your email. The more information you provide us with, the faster we can come up with a suitable solution. To enable us to deal with each case as quickly and efficiently as possible, we use a so-called Open Ticket Request System (OTRS). Your support request is first of all confirmed and you are assigned an individual ticket number. This number defines an activity to which any other requests on the same topic are automatically allocated. That way, you can be certain that your support request us dealt with by the person most competent to do so. Our processing times are normally very short. What’s more, no time is wasted by processing the same request or activity more than once.

Technical support | Tettnang

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