

Bucher Automation is the control and automation specialist in the Bucher Automation Group. In order to deliver our products with high quality, on time and at competitive prices, we rely on high-performance suppliers.

Welcome to Bucher Automation purchasing

Would you like to become our supplier and support the development of our purchasing groups with high-quality product components, indirect products or services? Then please apply with your relevant documents via procurement@bucherautomation.com. If we have a need in your area, we will contact you.

In order to guarantee consistent product quality for our customers, we can only consider suppliers who meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Certification at least according to EN ISO 9001 and/or passed QM audit
  • RoHS conformity (EU Directive 2011/65)
  • REACH conformity (EU Directive 1907/2006)
  • Non-use of "conflict minerals" (Dodd-Frank Act)
  • Compliance with substance prohibition according to EU-POP (EU Directive 2019/1021) and TSCA Sect. 6 (h)
  • Open book calculation and naming of price-reducing alternatives


File Category Size Filetype Prio
Einkaufsbedingungen Einkauf 158.96 KB pdf
Material Compliance Richtlinie Einkauf 340.60 KB pdf
Materialdeklaration Einkauf 104.14 KB docx