Welcome to Bucher Automation purchasing
Would you like to become our supplier and support the development of our purchasing groups with high-quality product components, indirect products or services? Then please apply with your relevant documents via procurement@bucherautomation.com. If we have a need in your area, we will contact you.
In order to guarantee consistent product quality for our customers, we can only consider suppliers who meet the following minimum requirements:
- Certification at least according to EN ISO 9001 and/or passed QM audit
- RoHS conformity (EU Directive 2011/65)
- REACH conformity (EU Directive 1907/2006)
- Non-use of "conflict minerals" (Dodd-Frank Act)
- Compliance with substance prohibition according to EU-POP (EU Directive 2019/1021) and TSCA Sect. 6 (h)
- Open book calculation and naming of price-reducing alternatives